Pick Your Perfect Light
A Free Artificial Light Mini Course

What if you had total control to create the lighting you’ve imagined in your head? That what you saw in a magazine was what you saw on your camera’s LCD screen?

How would life be different if you could do your photography any time, day or night? And what if you could cut your editing time in half?

I’ve had the honor of teaching thousands of food photographers how to use artificial lighting for their food photography
and I frequently hear things like:
I could never get my lighting right in my photos. My photography has gone from just ok, to genuinely full-on pro in just only a month after jumping into artificial lighting.
Jodi Feinhor-Dennis,

I can capture so many more recipes in one day because I’m not limited to only shooting during daylight hours.
Kyleigh Sage

Maybe you’re like so many food photographers, knowing that there are huge opportunities for you in artificial lighting, but you’re not sure where to start.
You could go about it like I did, buying a lot of the wrong stuff on the path to finally figuring out what works best for food photography.
Or you could buy what some Youtuber is using (yes, that includes me). But the problem with that is that what works well for one photographer won’t necessarily work for you.
Your unique needs and requirements (your budget, the type of work you do, location where you shoot) might make one light better for you than others.

There’s an easy way to do this artificial light thing
You’re looking at it!
I can help you figure out which gear will serve you best.
The free Pick Your Perfect Light Mini Course is a framework for understanding lighting gear.
By signing up, you’ll have access to a series of video lessons about lighting gear, as well as questions for self-reflection.
Each lesson expands your knowledge and helps ensure that you are making a good long-term investment.
If you’re willing to invest the time to go through it, by the end you will be able to make an informed decision about the lighting equipment that will best serve your unique needs and budget.
And I promise to give you the exact links to the exact gear based on your needs so you know when you take your first photo with artificial lighting, you have everything you need.
You’re looking at it!

I’m excited for you to begin your journey in artificial lighting.
I hesitate to use bold statements, but it’s a skill that changed my life — and can change yours, too!
Sign up for
Pick Your Perfect Light now!
Note: This mini course does require knowledge about using manual mode. If terms like aperture, shutter speed and ISO are brand new, we recommend starting here.
Get those lessons under your belt, then come on back to the mini course when you’re ready.